These simple risk assessments are to help keep you safe. They are not intended to alarm anyone. Risks vary from place to place we hope these pages help you be aware of things to be mindful of on our CL and in the New Forest.
Risk assessment for Covid-19 period. Arrival and departure times: Until Covid-19 we were very flexible about arrival and departure times. To allow time for sanitising at changeover we ask that you arrive after 1pm on day of arrival and depart before 10am on departure dayDeparture from home: high risk - Do not leave home to...
Subject: Ticks of various kinds Nature of risk: Ticks are associated with wild animals of the ‘Forest’ It is not unusual for ticks to latch onto humans, it sounds troubling but need not be a big deal. Ticks can carry disease, most notably Lyme’s Disease. Degree of risk: The chances of picking up a tick...
Wild animal faeces
Subject: Faeces deposited by wild animals Nature of risk: We do not allow our own farm animals onto the CL, however, wild deer frequently graze the grass and, Badgers and Foxes pass through on nightly travels. The faeces of these animals might be deposited anywhere on the CL, even close to vans and awnings. Degree...
Overhead cables
Subject: Overhead cables Nature of risk: The cables are high voltage and high enough to be well clear of any normal activity including awning erection etc. The only possible risk is to anyone kite flying on the CL Degree of risk: Very unlikely for an incident to occur but could be serious Who is at...
Electric Hook-up points
Subject: Electric Hook up (EHU) points Nature of risk: These units carry mains electric supply and have potential to cause electrocution. They are inspected regularly but accidental damage to them and the supply cable could expose live wiring and components. Degree of risk: Very unlikely for an incident to occur but could be serious Who is at...